
Hier geht es ausschließlich um den allradgetriebenen LT, mit dem man dort stecken bleiben kann, wo andere LTs erst gar nicht hinkommen :-)


Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Montag 18. April 2016, 15:40

Firstly, sorry for writing in english. Google translate does not seem up for the job of explaining myself properly :(

I have a newly bought LT 4x4 (1988) with A LOT of vibrations coming from somewhere. Problem only happens past 60 kmph and gets worst the faster I go after that. Prop shaft looks OK so figured it may be the transfer case/NP208. I would like to either have the NP208 renovated or get a NP242(J) fitted. This is something I would like to have done even if there was no problem so the van is reliable.

Is there someone in Germany who I could pay to modify a NP242j and send it back to me ready to fit in my LT?

Or if not, anyone that would renovate the NP208 if I send it to them?

No one in the UK knows anything about the LT 4x4 and everyone I have spoken to does not want to take this on.

Any ideas welcome!

I've always wanted an LT 4x4 and am selling my Syncro to fund this project. I hope I dont regret it :(

Thanks, David.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Waldfahrer » Montag 18. April 2016, 16:40

Hi David,

welcome to our forum, we occasionally discuss also in English, so it's no problem!
Where in UK do you live? And do you have a pic of your LT?

There is also a forum with a LT-Subforum in UK:

Now to your problem: The vibration have usually 3 possible causes:
+ the front wheels
+ the front cardan shaft
+ the bearings of the front drive shaft of the TC

What front wheels do you have? the 16" split rims or the 17.5"?
Refurbishing of the cardan shaft can be made in special workshops for this. It does not have necessary to be made at VAG; in fact, VAG workshops aren't able to do this!
A renovation of your TC should also be possible in UK, it is an american TC, used also in Jeeps, Fords, GM's and many more!

If you decide to swap for a 242, you can read the discussions here, one even in english: viewtopic.php?f=95&t=14562 and the (german) contribution in our wiki: ... g_umbau208

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:I've always wanted an LT 4x4 and am selling my Syncro to fund this project. I hope I dont regret it :(

You must be aware of entering a potentially expensive car category, but you can also have amazing moments with your LT 4x4 :drive

Don't hesitate to ask if you have further questions!

Greets Josef
Beiträge: 1087
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. März 2012, 08:41
Wohnort: Niederösterreich
Fahrzeug: Leider kein LT mehr

Re: NP208

Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Montag 18. April 2016, 19:37

Hey, thanks for the reply.

I'm in Hertfordshire, just north of London. I've had quite a few T3 Syncro's and VW vans in general so I'm well used to having an open relationship with my wallet!

Growing family was hard to squeeze into a T1 or T3 so figured LT 4x4 was my logical choice.

I think I underestimated how hard it is to find parts for the LT 4x4 though.

I will get the front wheels on a balancer to see if they are not turning right and will look at the cardan shaft and TC bearings. Will also remove prop shaft and will try putting in in 4H to see if its propshaft/rear differential.

Not sure what wheels they are. Think I have the 16" split time...maybe someone can tell me by looking at them? I have a lot to learn :roll:

I'm super excited about my new van. Shame about vibrations as apart from that, engine is lovely, apart from some usual rust on the seams its in good condition and drives nice (up to 60 kmph...for now). Apparently only 70,000 km's if the meter and previous owner is to be believed.

Needless to say I have some grand plans for this van...






Thanks, David.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Dienstag 19. April 2016, 11:51

Hi David,
We've already been conversing on Brickyard and my offer of coming to have a look still stands.
Also have a look at track rod ends, I cured a wheel wobble by swapping one out. It only had a very small amount of play, but caused a significant wobble.
There's a few of us in the UK with 4x4 LTs, Marlow being the most knowledgeable. I've had mine for 2 years now, so have picked up quite a lot, steep learning curve.
Andras, 'Bundas' on brickyard has done the transfer case mod himself, along with a lift and unimog wheels etc.
getting hold of a replacement one would be easy.
The wheels are split rims btw.
Hardy Engineering in Leatherhead, Surrey are the go to guys for gearbox/transfer case/rear diff rebuilds. Old school and great guys, they rebuilt my rear diff.
Parts are harder to find and it will be a pain at times, but the smile on your face when you drive it and of course the looks and garage forecourt conversations you'll have on the way will be worth it.

Beiträge: 25
Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Martin List-Petersen » Mittwoch 27. April 2016, 13:36


and welcome to LT 4x4 ownership. Looks like a decent enough platform you got your fingers on.

First of all, the T-case is rarely the problem. It sounds unlikely, that your issues come from there. Wheel wobble is more likely to come from track-rod ends, steering linkage, ceased brakes etc.

Martin List-Petersen
Beiträge: 180
Registriert: Dienstag 15. Mai 2012, 16:21
Wohnort: Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
Fahrzeug: '89 LT40 4x4 mit Brighton Hubdach

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Martin List-Petersen » Mittwoch 27. April 2016, 13:39

Oh. And vibrations and shaking in the entire body can come from the likes of wheel bearings or ceased hardy spicers in the propshaft.

Try jack the van up under the front diff, turn the wheels and see, if you can hear/see, where the problem is.

Martin List-Petersen
Beiträge: 180
Registriert: Dienstag 15. Mai 2012, 16:21
Wohnort: Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
Fahrzeug: '89 LT40 4x4 mit Brighton Hubdach

Re: NP208

Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Mittwoch 27. April 2016, 17:21

Thanks :doppel_top: I've very happy with the LT so far. I wouldnt be the same if the problem solving element wasnt there so I'm embracing it all.

The front prop shaft was dented quite badly so I've started by getting another one made up. Wheels look like they have seen better days so will likely change them as soon as I find a decent set of wheels. I'm not keen on the split rims as I would like a tyre I can plug up myself. So in the unlikely event that a set of Mefro's come up for sale I'd happily buy a set.

I might have a go at rebuilding the transfer case anyway just so I know its done. Looks relatively easy. There is a video on youtube of some American guy doing it so might just order the rebuild kit from the U.S and give it a go. Whats the worst that can happen...

Long weekend in the UK this weekend so I will have a good amount of time to take a proper look at the front end. As you recommend I'll check the track rods, bearings, etc.

I've ordered the "Mercedes" brake discs on ebay that supposedly fit my LT as my brakes do look a bit tired... Think I might need to upgrade my axle stands, etc to handle the weight before I go underneath!

Still on the hunt for the smallest rims I can fit on the LT to squeeze it into the workshop. Ideally 14" ones. Either that or take the roof off :-?
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Waldfahrer » Donnerstag 28. April 2016, 06:53

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:Still on the hunt for the smallest rims I can fit on the LT to squeeze it into the workshop

What about disk wheels similar to/or container wheels: viewtopic.php?f=99&t=8033&p=38163#p38163

14" rims wouldn't fit because the brake calipers.

Beiträge: 1087
Registriert: Donnerstag 1. März 2012, 08:41
Wohnort: Niederösterreich
Fahrzeug: Leider kein LT mehr

Re: NP208

Beitragvon AlterDepp » Donnerstag 28. April 2016, 09:52

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:I've ordered the "Mercedes" brake discs on ebay that supposedly fit my LT as my brakes do look a bit tired...

please tell us, if the Mercedes disks fit. I changed my complete front breaks too: viewtopic.php?f=95&t=16020#p85605

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Registriert: Dienstag 7. Oktober 2008, 15:36
Wohnort: München
Fahrzeug: LT40-4x4 DV Kasten WoMo mit Mefro und 285/75R16

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Martin List-Petersen » Donnerstag 28. April 2016, 15:48

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:The front prop shaft was dented quite badly so I've started by getting another one made up.

That would be your vibrations right there.

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:Still on the hunt for the smallest rims I can fit on the LT to squeeze it into the workshop. Ideally 14" ones. Either that or take the roof off :-?

16" is the smallest. You have a 4-pot 16 inch brake system on the front. Won't be able to fit smaller rims.

Martin List-Petersen
Beiträge: 180
Registriert: Dienstag 15. Mai 2012, 16:21
Wohnort: Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
Fahrzeug: '89 LT40 4x4 mit Brighton Hubdach

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Solpat » Donnerstag 28. April 2016, 20:13

Hello David,

to lower to the maximum, I took Golf 3 steel rims, cut out the center diameter (just approximately, drilled the six holes of the bolts into the rim, turned the wheel opposite side (of course because the brake does not fit into the rim), an srewed it on. Just to get the LT 4x4 in and out of the garage the cheapest and easiest way.


LT 4x4 - Für alle Fälle Allrad ...
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Re: NP208

Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Donnerstag 28. April 2016, 21:20

amazing! I'm loving both those suggestions for lowering height of the van. Happy I won't have to take the roof off...seriously made my day.

Alterdepp: I'll let you know. Guy selling hem said he's sold them to LT 4x4 owners and they haven't come back.

Martin: I hope the prop shaft does sort the problem out. Also got noisy rear diff which I'm taking to have redone. Better doing it now than in the middle of nowhere on holiday I figured.

Just sold the Syncro today so I'm all in on the LT.

danke für nett genug zu sein , mit mir in Englisch zu schreiben. Ich werde darum bemühen, in Deutschland zu sprechen , wo ich kann, und hoffen, dass einige Sprachkenntnisse von Ihnen zu holen
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Freitag 29. April 2016, 09:33

You must have deep pockets!
Who's doing the diff?
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Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Freitag 29. April 2016, 11:13

Hardy engineering will be doing diff as recommended...

Syncro sold for good money so I have cash to splash on the LT :doppel_top: For now anyway, I'm sure it will all go very quickly.

Been let down by seller of the LT Florida so now on the hunt for another "cheap" one...

If anyone wants engine/gearbox or body parts off a Florida and wants to split the cost let me know. I can pick up and trailer to/from anywhere in Central Europe. I only want the interior furniture bits!
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon Martin List-Petersen » Freitag 29. April 2016, 11:17

DB-LT4x4 hat geschrieben:If anyone wants engine/gearbox or body parts off a Florida and wants to split the cost let me know. I can pick up and trailer to/from anywhere in Central Europe. I only want the interior furniture bits!

Engine / Gearbox, I'd keep as spares, if it's a DV and a 5-speed box.

The 5-speed gearbox in the RWD LT's is the exact same (even part number) as the 4x4 ones.

Martin List-Petersen
Beiträge: 180
Registriert: Dienstag 15. Mai 2012, 16:21
Wohnort: Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
Fahrzeug: '89 LT40 4x4 mit Brighton Hubdach

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Freitag 29. April 2016, 12:21

Hardy have rebuilt a couple of these now, both ended up needing a new crown and pinion inc complete beating sets.
Diffs seem to be a weak point, going to 242 t/c is a good idea.
Interestingly, Aidan of T3 fame has noticed Syncros with decouplers fitted, had shown accelerated wear in rear box. So permanent Allrad is key.
Just need to pay András a visit to check out his install and pick brains etc.
You doing the Florida roof swap too eh?
Great thread on here from chap who's done that.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Freitag 10. Juni 2016, 19:22

Hi David, any updates on the LT?
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Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon DB-LT4x4 » Montag 13. Juni 2016, 16:24

Hey, its been slow progress...I got everything back from DVLA last week so I'm road legal at long last at least.

Having the few rusty panels removed & replaced tomorrow. Will just prime them up for now until I can sort the 2x small dends & a full respray which is likely to happen after holidays in August.

Rear diff still needs sorting as its whining a fair bit. Whole van seems loud but its likely just the way they are. Look like I'll be spending fair bit of money on sound proofing before it gets sprayed in hope of quietening it down. I'm not expecting miracles but anything's better than at the moment.

Having been let down on last LT Florida I've now secured another one. Flying over to Berlin on the 27th to drive it back home. Will use it for these holidays then will strip camping interior and put inside the 4x4. Seems a bit of a waste as its only got 125,000 km and is pristine inside & out. Cant decide whether to strip it completely or just take the insides & sell the van "whole". All depends on how roof bed works out with the one I have on now. Its only for 2x kids so might be OK leaving the one thats on there.

Did your van have a 12/24v dual battery set up by any chance? I'm trying to lose the 24v thing & the 2nd battery but cant problem solve this. I hate electrics and I'm scared stiff of turning my van into a ball of fire!!

Happy to arrange a quick meet close to you at some point if you've got time.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Sonntag 17. April 2016, 11:19
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon TirionC » Montag 23. Januar 2017, 18:57

if you want to know some useful tips of Google using, follow
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Registriert: Montag 23. Januar 2017, 18:50

Re: NP208

Beitragvon markualen » Dienstag 21. März 2017, 14:41

Hi David,
I've just recently purchased an LT4x4 that is experiencing similar issues. Did you get to bottom of the vibration?
John. (also in the UK)
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Dienstag 21. März 2017, 14:22
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Mittwoch 22. März 2017, 11:05

Hi john, I'm also in the UK, where you from?
Firstly congrats on being a 4x4 owner!
got any photos?
Can you describe the symptoms of your vibration, does it happen in 2wd or 4wd?
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon markualen » Mittwoch 22. März 2017, 12:18

Hi Ray,
I've very limited experience with the LT as yet as I have only driven it a couple of hundred miles so far. It's currently in storage awaiting a few jobs before the camper conversion starts.
It's an ex Austrian Fire Engine with very low miles and I'm very much in the planning phase at the moment whilst I liberate some cash to start the build.
I'm up near the Welsh border in Shropshire
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Registriert: Dienstag 21. März 2017, 14:22
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

Re: NP208

Beitragvon cableguy » Mittwoch 22. März 2017, 13:32

Great, did you import it yourself from Austria?
There's a few of us in the UK now.
I've had mine for 3 years. Any questions feel free to ask.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: Donnerstag 15. Oktober 2015, 14:21

Re: NP208

Beitragvon markualen » Montag 27. März 2017, 09:33

Hi Ray,
I've sent you a PM
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Registriert: Dienstag 21. März 2017, 14:22
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4

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