Snorkel update

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Snorkel update

Beitragvon Tim Aldiss » Mittwoch 20. Juni 2018, 11:29

Hi from the UK and the VOLT group :) Please excuse me posting in English...

Firstly thanks so much to those of you who are already involved in the group buy of the LT 1 snorkels - we've gone a long way towards our original goal. However it's 6 months since we started and I'm keen to close this first round order as I'm sure you are. Here's where we stand.

Our original quote expired 4 months ago so we got a new quote for the job. The cost of tooling for the injection moulding option that we have gone for works out at £280 each.

Sorry I know it is more than we originally suggested and it's disappointing that there haven't been more orders to get the cost down to what we originally thought, but we're real close.

I hope you understand how a group buy works and are happy to make up the difference and pay the extra £50 each into the Paypal - as friends & family please - then we will go ahead and press the button and get our snorkels made asap.

Thanks for getting us this far!

Lastly... if you haven't yet ordered now is your chance. Here is the link for a new customer:

Tim Aldiss
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Sonntag 15. Mai 2016, 22:47
Fahrzeug: VW LT28D Westfalia Florida '89

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