rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Hier geht es ausschließlich um den allradgetriebenen LT, mit dem man dort stecken bleiben kann, wo andere LTs erst gar nicht hinkommen :-)

rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Beitragvon serega198 » Sonntag 12. Juni 2022, 11:56

Hi, all!

When revising the front axle suspension, I found serios problems.

Almost all rubber bushings in the upper and lower supports of axle looks like that:

IMG_1529.JPG (118.68 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet
IMG_1528.JPG (125.91 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet
IMG_1541.JPG (122.75 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet

I can not explain this fact :-( Maybe, they shifted themselves due to critical worn, may be the previous owner tried to replace them and pressed them wrong - I don't know :-( But I have to repair that definitely.

The braskets on the axle are worn, but I'll solve this problem welding and grinding.
IMG_1538.JPG (82.91 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet

The main point of this topic is the rubber bushings and their partnombers and analogs.
According to ETKA, the lower support bushings nomber is 291407085, and the upper one is 291407085A

All bushings in my supports are identical and have the same nombers: 281505181 by VW/AUDI and 2-30-005110-01 by BOGE.
As i know, this partnamber is not for 4x4 LT and definitely not for the front axle supports.

I have ordered 4 bushings 291407085
IMG_1532.JPG (148.24 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet

But the nubbers on these bushings are... 281505181 by VW/AUDI and 2-30-005110-01 by BOGE :shock:
And these bushings are different from my old bushings

IMG_1533.JPG (119.54 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet
IMG_1534.JPG (113.91 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet
IMG_1535.JPG (178.45 KiB) 15744-mal betrachtet

The main question is: is it possible to montage these new bushings instead of old?
The second question is: I have only 4 new bushings. At this moment I can't order neither 291407085 nor 281505181 bushings ((
May be anyone know the partnumber of an alternative suitable rubber bushings?

I'll be greateful for any information and help

P.S. Sorry for my poor English
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Samstag 16. Mai 2020, 23:48
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4 1994 ACL

Re: rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Beitragvon serega198 » Montag 27. Juni 2022, 08:13

Ok. I asked myself I answered myself

IMG_1603.JPG (116.25 KiB) 15388-mal betrachtet

IMG_1598.JPG (88.75 KiB) 15388-mal betrachtet

IMG_1597.JPG (101.81 KiB) 15388-mal betrachtet

IMG_1596.JPG (91.61 KiB) 15388-mal betrachtet
IMG_1595.JPG (84.67 KiB) 15388-mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Samstag 16. Mai 2020, 23:48
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4 1994 ACL

Re: rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Beitragvon deepurple » Mittwoch 6. Juli 2022, 18:54

Hello .
Rubber on the main are différent up and down .
I don't remember but up or down is more tender .
May be for the move front axle to start and stop LT .
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2017, 10:32
Fahrzeug: LT40 4WD 1987 DV 102PS

Re: rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Beitragvon serega198 » Samstag 9. Juli 2022, 01:22

Hi, Bruno.

I know about the difference, thank you. But I had no choice. It's impossible to order original 291407085 and 291407085A :-( I created this topic in order to find an adequate replacement. But no one knows or no one answers.
I didn't find any other suitable rubbers. Perhaps now the suspension does not work quite right, but it is much better than it was.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Samstag 16. Mai 2020, 23:48
Fahrzeug: LT40 4x4 1994 ACL

Re: rubber bushings 291407085 and front axle supports

Beitragvon deepurple » Montag 11. Juli 2022, 15:07

Yes, i think .
Different rubber's quality ,ok, but better with another news rubbers that it was .
Sometimes we don't have choice .
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: Freitag 20. Januar 2017, 10:32
Fahrzeug: LT40 4WD 1987 DV 102PS

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