When revising the front axle suspension, I found serios problems.
Almost all rubber bushings in the upper and lower supports of axle looks like that:
I can not explain this fact

The braskets on the axle are worn, but I'll solve this problem welding and grinding.
The main point of this topic is the rubber bushings and their partnombers and analogs.
According to ETKA, the lower support bushings nomber is 291407085, and the upper one is 291407085A
All bushings in my supports are identical and have the same nombers: 281505181 by VW/AUDI and 2-30-005110-01 by BOGE.
As i know, this partnamber is not for 4x4 LT and definitely not for the front axle supports.
I have ordered 4 bushings 291407085
But the nubbers on these bushings are... 281505181 by VW/AUDI and 2-30-005110-01 by BOGE

And these bushings are different from my old bushings
The main question is: is it possible to montage these new bushings instead of old?
The second question is: I have only 4 new bushings. At this moment I can't order neither 291407085 nor 281505181 bushings ((
May be anyone know the partnumber of an alternative suitable rubber bushings?
I'll be greateful for any information and help
P.S. Sorry for my poor English