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Motorstartprobleme teil 22

BeitragVerfasst: Montag 14. November 2005, 16:34
von Corriesurf

Im from Holland and i cant explain my problem in German, im sorry.
I have read the topics under this topic about the guys who had starting problems, and i have a similar problem, but slightly different.

I have the 6 Zylinder Diesel,75 PS, Bj.1982 mit MKB: CP

The engine doesnt start when cold (only after about 40 seconds on the "Anlasser").

I have changed the Glühkerzen, but that didnt matter.

I think its an electrical problem somewhere between the relais and the Glühkerzen. I dont think its the Vorglühsicherungen, because when i check if there's power in the wire, i see that when i Glüh, it gives 11.8 Volts. I coudnt read the amperes, because my tool doensnt support that.

But if the Vorglühsicherung, is broken, it doesnt let through power does it?

Coul it be that power is leaking somewhere? that there isnt enough power to glüh the kerzen?

and how do i check that? :roll:

Thanks for your help in advance!


BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 15. November 2005, 08:36
von Arnim Schwab
please also check another thing than the electric power for the Glühkerzen: when you start the engine, is there coming Diesel out of the small hoses on the "Einspritzdüsen" immediately (they return excess Diesel back to the tank) ?

My idea is that these hoses might be leaking, the result is that the fuel goes back into the tank. When the engine is cold (means the car has been standing for a while) it has to pump the diesel all the way from the tank, so you have to keep the starter running for a minute or so. When the engine is warm, it has been used a short time ago, so the fuel hose is still full and it starts right away.

Especially since those hoses might be quite old you should replace them !

Maybe it´s something different, but you should check this !

Good luck


BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 15. November 2005, 09:47
von Corriesurf
Hi Arnim,

You might be right, i had a problem like this last year. I will check it next saturday (now its too dark by the time i come home from work :-( )


BeitragVerfasst: Dienstag 15. November 2005, 11:33
von Holzer
Hi Corriesurf,

Armin is right first try his way but if it doesn't work:

I had the same Problem and the Reason was that from anywhere the Diesel-system sucking air.
I asked a friend of mine and he told me to put an "Antirückschagventil" before and very near of the "Dieselfilter".
To explain the way i mean "before":
Tank -> Antirückschagventil -> Dieselfilter
That cost a few cents and the Repair goes very fast. You only have to cut the "Spritleitung" and put the "ventil" between and Finish.
:!: But you have to look on the arrow on the "Antirückschagventil" so the the Sprit flows in the right direktion (from tank into Filter an not back). ;-)