Im from Holland and i cant explain my problem in German, im sorry.
I have read the topics under this topic about the guys who had starting problems, and i have a similar problem, but slightly different.
I have the 6 Zylinder Diesel,75 PS, Bj.1982 mit MKB: CP
The engine doesnt start when cold (only after about 40 seconds on the "Anlasser").
I have changed the Glühkerzen, but that didnt matter.
I think its an electrical problem somewhere between the relais and the Glühkerzen. I dont think its the Vorglühsicherungen, because when i check if there's power in the wire, i see that when i Glüh, it gives 11.8 Volts. I coudnt read the amperes, because my tool doensnt support that.
But if the Vorglühsicherung, is broken, it doesnt let through power does it?
Coul it be that power is leaking somewhere? that there isnt enough power to glüh the kerzen?
and how do i check that?

Thanks for your help in advance!