Zylinderkopf komplett Neu

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Zylinderkopf komplett Neu

Beitragvon jimhell » Sonntag 4. Februar 2007, 23:24

Sorry for not writing in German.

I am looking for a new Zylinderkopf/cylinderhead for my 1985 VW LT31d turbodiesel. Living in Amsterdam for the moment, but will drive back to Norway in May. Driving through Germany, Denmark and Sweden.

Seems like the coolwater is going into the exhaust as white smoke, using 2liters coolwater for 200km.
Typical problem for the 6zylinder VW LT....

Anybody know of a shop in Germany that sell neu Zylinderkopf?

Beitragvon Martin H » Montag 5. Februar 2007, 00:20

Look here

http://cgi.ebay.de/Zylinderkopf-VW-Volv ... dZViewItem

and here:

http://cgi.ebay.de/Zylinderkopf-VW-LT-2 ... dZViewItem

you search by Ebay with " Zylinderkopf LT ".
There are listed 16 Zylinderkopf of differend engines from LT.

Good Luck

Martin H
Beiträge: 94
Registriert: Donnerstag 21. Oktober 2004, 21:32
Wohnort: Hockenheim

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